Repent and Believe: Metanoia not Fear

Dr. Gilley’s class was right after lunch. It was about fluid mechanics and try as I might, I often dozed off in the middle of the lectures. On one particularly humorous occausion, I fell asleep in the middle of the class working a problem. When I came too a few minutes later, still in a …

How do we wait? We wait with faith.

Are you ready? Are you prepared? Essentially, when we say we are prepared, we are saying that we are equal to the challenge which will come. But the thing is that we often do not know what the challenges will be before we face them. Mary teaches us that though we may not be able to be completely prepared, we can say yes. As a child trusts that his parents are there for him and will provide what he needs, so also, we must recognize that God is always working for the good of those who love him – even when we do not know how. This is called faith and it is an essential aspect, perhaps the most fundamental aspect of our waiting as Christians. Together moved by our faith we joyfully wait together with eyes fixed on heaven because we need a heavenly savior. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

How do we wait? With joy because the Lord is near

We face difficult times. All of this can cause us to also reject that it is possible for us to rejoice at all times. But as Christians, this attitude comes with a problem. Saint Paul commanded us in the second reading to “Live always joyful, pray without ceasing, give thanks on every occasion.” Brothers and sisters, how can we rejoice like Saint Paul?

Will you go to the feast?

To be disregarded or despised is a painful experience for us human beings. Have you considered that God, in creating free persons, opened himself to being despised and disregarded? From the beginning, he opened himself to the possibility of being despised and disregarded. III. The Cross is God’s answer to this. It comes down to this: will let him love us? Will we accept his gift or spurn it? He loves you. Will you disregard him, despise him, or will you receive him and be saved?

Hobos for Heaven

Thanks to Fr. James Swift, CM my rector from Holy Trinity Seminary for teaching me the origin of the term “hobo.” My friend Br. Elijah Dubek was also inspired by Fr. Jim. Questions to Ponder: Do you long for heaven? How do you actively seek the kingdom of heaven? What are the sources of aniexty …

Making friends by being friends

Christ himself is the Good Samaritan who finds you and me wounded and naked on the side of the road and heals us and raises us up. He makes us his neighbors and friends. We are called to invite others to become our neighbors by being their neighbors as Christ did for us. Then we must invite them to meet our best Friend, the Good Samaritan, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever and ever

Fighting Temptation Relationally

Simply bask in the fact that God loves you. Your sin, your past temptations, your present struggles, none of them can change the fact that God loves you. He’s loved you from the beginning, and he will always love you. You are his son or daughter. Christ compassionately weeps when he sees us in sin because he loves us. He is always present and desires to enter the temple of our hearts and cleanse it of the robbers who wish to cause us harm.

What fruit should we expect?

We are the trees, in the garden of the Lord. We are perhaps a variety of different trees, but we are all meant to bear good fruit, which means receiving a new nature from him, living in charity, and letting ourselves be pruned. “The tree is the soul, that is, the man himself; the fruit is the man’s works.” AUGUSTINE